
Why laser focused lead generation is critical today

B2B technology marketing agency

Why laser focused lead generation is critical today

When selling large, complex, and often high value IT products, services and solutions deals can take months to close, particularly when opportunities vary from £250,000 to over a £1 million and involve multiple decision makers. Often, our clients only need a handful of these types of deals to make a significant impact on their sales results. Yet how do you go about discovering these opportunities?

From a marketing perspective it is the easiest thing in the world to blast out 100’s of marketing messages, using numerous means and target every company in the database. Although this approach often results in a fairly generic message going out to a broad target list of prospects, but there is a better way?

Deeper qualification focuses your time and budgets to achieve the best results

Carrying out more phone, internet and desk-based research can help you to have a laser focus on just a few accounts that are likely to uncover the best opportunities? You may identify lower hanging fruit and those prospects that are more likely to be ready to buy now. Introducing this qualification step into your campaigns will save time and money and achieve greater sales success.

What to consider when qualifying accounts

Here are some things to consider qualifying that will help you to develop a laser focus on your next lead generation campaign. They might be the right size of company, in the right sector, but what else can you check to identify strong sales targets?  

You might take a closer look at the company characteristics, circumstances or structure and ask some of the following questions:

  • Are they a subsidiary of a larger group with decisions made in another country or are they an autonomous business?
  • Has the company appointed a senior person to fulfil a specific role to resolve an issue or challenge or to drive a particular strategy?  
  • Has the issue or challenge that your solution can solve been mentioned in the company’s last annual report?
  • What can the latest press releases tell you about the company and its drivers?
  • Has the company come under the regulators spotlight or had recent bad press involving issues that you can resolve?

Today tailored propositions are critical to get results

The qualification questions you create need to be campaign specific, but also help you to focus in on key target accounts that are more ready to buy. In the current climate just reaching decision makers is even more difficult. By carrying out this type of initial qualification you will be armed with additional specific information that will help you to deliver a much more tailored proposition and help you to achieve far better results.

There is sometimes a misconception that the more we do the better the results, but we know from experience that having a laser focus on just a few accounts can deliver far greater returns with a lot less time, money and resource.

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