28 Apr Kipling’s Man ‘Where’ – Where do you want them to go today?
As we pick up the Kipling’s thinking men’s theme, we look at Kipling’s Man ‘Where’ and consider this in relation to the buyer’s journey.
Inbound marketing is a critical part of the marketing strategy today, but where should you be driving them? Decision makers will now search for answers online at least 12 times before engaging with a website or company, but this is likely to vary depending on ‘where’ they are in the buying cycle.
You need content to cover all bases so that they are more likely to come back to you when they are ready to buy. This might include informative white papers blogs, but also online demos, video guides, infographics and animated explainers. Getting your content right is critical as most “B2B buyers are 57% of the way through the buying process before the first meeting with your representative.” (Accenture, 2018)
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Engaging and compelling content such as video is particularly critical when selling to Millennials and is a powerful media for generating an interest in a product, service or company. Our company mantra is that we ‘create the right content, in the right context to help you to achieve the right results.’ Yet, what is the right result? And it has never be so important as “90% of B2B buyers that now twist and turn through the sales funnel, looping back and repeating at least one or more task in the buyer’s journey.” (CMO, 2019)
Right content; using teasers and signposts
The right content however it is delivered, needs to take people on a journey. The subject line on an email or blog is a teaser a signpost to something more interesting. Once they have opened the email or clicked through to your blog the opening needs to be strong and summarize what they will gain or learn from continuing on the journey.
Achieving the right context puts the meat into your story
As you draw them along on the journey you need to highlight key points of reference along the way. These key elements need to put your story in to the right context. It needs to get the audience more engaged, questioning, head nodding and reading on. The context helps to build interest; after all you don’t want them to get lost along the way.
Driving your audience to the right conclusion
Whatever the content is, you need to tell a story that ultimately drives people to a conclusion or action. Where do you want them to end up? The journey’s end will be different based on what you are trying to achieve. It may be that you are convincing somebody that they need your product or service. You may want to get people to think differently about a new service you are delivering; or to recognise your company as a thought leader or a specialist in your field. Whatever the result, it needs to drive people to action.
Campaign by campaign content creation
Content, in any form, will always be needed. Its form and structure is changing as we engage with the next generation with video and motion graphics, but thought-provoking, mind-changing, action-driving content will always be king.
At Incognate we specialise in producing content that packs a punch. We have a specialist team of creatives well-versed in working with technology companies to produce purposeful content for your marketing campaigns.
We provide you with support as and when you need it most, campaign by campaign or ongoing contact us now.