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"You are only as good as your last month, quarter or year in sales". A message I have heard frequently and lived through in different new business sales roles. You have a great month. You smash your target, only to have to start all over...

Reaching people by phone is getting increasingly difficult. In fact, it's taking around three times as many dial outs to reach key decision-makers in the UK as it did five years ago. Here we share some telemarketing tips, tactics and methods that you can use to...

Figures vary throughout different sectors, but a B2B marketing strategy often used is cold calling where it is generally accepted that 25 calls to potential clients, will lead to 12 favourable responses, with a further 5 developing in meetings to discuss your product or solution....

Are you starting to run out of new prospects? Do you have a marketing communications strategy? Maybe senior decision-makers are no longer responsive to your marketing message or marketing propositions that have previously been successful. Sometimes the competition comes in with new ideas and propositions and slowly...

A key area that companies constantly battle for integration is in their sales and marketing departments. Issues between these two departments can cause significant issues for your company from lost opportunities...

Email has officially overtaken direct mail as a marketing method to generate more sales, but how do you make sure you are getting it right? We at Incognate focus on what you need to do to get your email communications noticed. Subject Line - This is one...

The internet is growing exponentially, with thousands of websites, blogs and HTML pages created every single day. This means that it's getting more difficult to drive traffic to your website, but there are lots of things that you can do to change this. Get in touch...

It’s frustrating when you can’t get airtime with senior decision-makers! You know that you have the right solution, it will solve their issues, or save them time or money, but you are finding it increasingly difficult to get your message heard. You find that you are...

Testing direct mail pieces is the best way to track your return on investment (ROI). Direct mail marketing may not be an exact science due to the constant evolution of consumer behaviours and preferences, but some of the guesswork can be taken out of the...

Whether you know it or not, your database of current and past clients is your best source of new clients and an excellent B2B marketing strategy. 'Prospecting' for a new client is time consuming and expensive, but if you could find a way to increase your...