

In a hyper competitive world, businesses need to reconsider how they are perceived in their markets. It has never been more important to stand out from the crowd. The landscape is everchanging and it is vital to keep up. What was effective event 12-24 months...

In our last telemarketing post we discussed how to design a successful campaign from a somewhat strategic level. This post goes from the conceptual to the actual and you can download our business-development-checklist that outlines what you should have in place BEFORE you launch your telemarketing campaign. Here’s a brief...

Search for ‘White Paper’ on the websites of Intel, IBM and Cisco and you are presented with thousands of results. Clearly these industry giants have a lot to say on a lot of topics and are working hard to present an image of thought-leadership. And...

Has this ever happened to you?You’re scouring the internet to help you solve a problem at work. Or maybe at home. Either way you find a white paper that addresses your exact problem. Wonderful. So you dutifully enter your name and email in the little...

Your enquiries and sales are down. You're not getting the traction you used to with your messages. It is probably time to check your focus! When was the last time you questioned your sales and marketing focus and checked your messaging? Companies often start by finding a...

You can’t afford to have a generic, mediocre or out of date message when you need to get the attention of decision makers suggests Helen Fox. Competition is fierce, but with the right proposition you will get far better returns on your sales and marketing...

All too often, companies will go through cycles of feast and famine, which can lead to other difficulties for your business. John Bancroft, MD of Incognate, looks at ways to smooth out these cycles.Running one-off, lead generation campaigns with focused propositions in specific market sectors will...